airtel : post-paid call rates

1. “airtel advantage” : 24hrs

•• to airtel numbers: tk. 0.77/min,
•• to other numbers: tk. 0.77/min 

• Pulse: 5 sec.
• SMS: local sms tk. 0.45/sms

note :

> Connection Price: BDT 450
> Credit Limit: BDT 300

2.“airtel exclusive” :  24hrs

•• to airtel numbers: tk. 0.49/min, •• to other numbers: tk. 0.89/min 
• 25fnf: to airtel numbers: tk. 0.25/min, to other numbers: tk. 0.65/min.
• Pulse: 1 sec.
• SMS: to airtel numbers: 0.49/sms; to other numbers: tk. 0.49/sms;
to airtel numbers: tk. 0.29/sms; to other numbers: tk. 0.29/sms

note :

> Connection Price: BDT 1250
> Credit Limit: BDT 1100

3. “airtel classic” : 24hrs

•• to airtel numbers: tk. 0.49/min,
•• to other numbers: tk. 0.94/min 

• 15fnf: to airtel numbers: tk. 0.25/min, to other numbers: tk. 0.65/min.
• Pulse: 5 sec.
• SMS: to airtel numbers: tk. 0.49/sms; to other numbers: tk. 0.49/sms;
to airtel numbers: tk. 0.29/sms; to other numbers: tk. 0.29/sms

note :

> Connection Price: BDT 450
> Credit Limit: BDT 300


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